Litigation always comes at cost. Often people tend to think of going to court in only terms of paying attorneys fees. However, there are so many other costs associated with litigation such as the emotional expense and the time spent preparing for court. Often, these costs can never be recovered with a trial verdict.
Mediation is a chance for opposing parties to come together and resolve a dispute before incurring some of those heavy and unseen costs. When parties can mediate a case and resolve a dispute on their own terms, instead of in the hands of a third party, they are more likely to come to a better (and less expensive) resolution.
Ms. Browning is mostly a facilitative mediator. Mediators who hold themselves out as “facilitative” are focused on providing good communication between the parties. They are good at listening and addressing the client’s feelings and concerns. Facilitative mediators do engage in “reality testing”, but they always allow the parties to come to their own conclusions. Ms. Browning believes that parties are more likely to have a successful outcome if they decide on their own how to settle their case, rather than being told how to settle their case.
Ms. Browning is quick to point out that listening to someone does not mean agreeing with what they say. The mediator should be able to understand different views without either internalizing them or judging them. This is the most difficult part of a neutral mediator’s work. The mediator who is judgmental, dismissive of ideas or feelings, or who cannot deal with emotions will miss opportunities for settlement. On the other hand, parties must understand that openness plays a large role in mediation. Subject to confidentiality, the more the mediator can relate to an opposing party where the other side is coming from, the greater chance the case may settle. It is the mediator’s job to convert each side’s position into a message the other side can hear.
A Mediator (third party neutral) will bring certain resources to the process, which include:
– Detachment from the dispute (Neutrality)
– Confidential information provided by each side
– Professional tools for dealing with obstacles
– Reality testing of evidence and arguments and true costs of trial
– An instinct for unstated needs and concerns
– An ability to think outside the box to assist in the development of unexpected solutions.
– Most important of all, patience and persistence.
Parties should come to mediation with all the important papers and evidence they need to support their case on the day of the mediation. Also, parties should ensure all stakeholders in the mediation are available and present for the mediation. A few weeks prior to a mediation, Ms. Browning will send out a Mediation Package, with an Agreement to Mediate, Rules of Mediation, and Online Guidelines. She often sends this via DocuSign and would ask that each party send her their secure email address.
Prior to the day of the mediation, Ms. Browning reaches out to each attorney to make sure she understands the case and their client’s position. If a case is more complex, she will ask for mediation statements from each side along with all discovery that has been exchanged. Ms. Browning considers all information she receives confidential unless explicitly told otherwise. Ms. Browning asks that clients work with their attorney, so each attorney understands exactly what the client wants to resolve their case.
Mediation can be tough emotionally and physically. Some people are working through emotions during the negotiation process. A good mediator will handle whatever curve balls the parties throw, and will continue assisting the parties to get to a settlement.
PHONE: 830-308-7555
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 2046, Henderson, TX 75653
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We believe that in order to provide effective and meaningful ADR services, a mediator/arbitrator should consistently train and learn. Below is a list of some of our more meaningful mediation and arbitration trainings
University of Houston Law Center: Houston, Tx
– 40 Hour Basic Mediation Training-September 2015
Institute of Mediation Training: Austin, Tx
– 30 Hour Advanced Family Law Mediation Training-December 2015
Institute of Mediation Training: Austin, Tx
– 20 Hour CPS Mediation Training-April 2017
Association of Attorney-Mediators: Houston, TX
– 7.25 Hour Advanced Attorney-Mediator Training-September 2018
Manousso Mediation & Arbitration, LLC: Houston, TX
– 9 Hour Arbitration Training & Ethics-February 2019
Association of Attorney-Mediators: Charleston, SC
– 7.5 Hour Advanced Mediator Training & Ethics-March 2019
American Bar Association-Alternative Dispute Resolution Section: Philadelphia, Pa
– 9-Hour ABA 12th Annual Arbitration Training Institute-June 2019
American Bar Association-Alternative Dispute Resolution Section: Houston, TX
– 12.50 Hour 17th Annual Advanced Mediation and Advocacy Institute-Nov 2019
State Bar of Texas, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section: Austin, Tx
– 6.5 Hour-Advanced Alternative Dispute Resolution 2020- January 2019
Delaware State Bar Association: Webinar via Zoom
– 7.0 Hour-Superior Court Mediation Training Program, Part 1- April 2020
Delaware State Bar Association: Webinar via Zoom
– 7.0 Hour-Superior Court Mediation Training Program, Part II- July 2020
Association of Attorney-Mediators: Webinar via Zoom
– 5.5 Hour Advanced Attorney-Mediator Training-September 2020
Texas Mediator Credentialing Association: Webinar Via Zoom
– 6.25- Hour Advanced Attorney-Mediator Training-October 2020
Delaware Family Court: Webinar Via Zoom
– 6.5- Hour Certification Program for Family Law Mediators Pursuant to Rule 16.3-October 2020
Association of Attorney Mediators: via Zoom.
– 6.5- Hour Advanced Attorney-Mediator Training and CLE Seminar-April 2021
American Bar Association-Alternative Dispute Resolution Section: via Zoom
– 9-Hour ABA 14th Annual Arbitration Training Institute-June 2021
Delaware State Bar Association-Alternative Dispute Resolution Section: via Zoom
– (Moderator & Presenter) 3.0 Hour- Planning Your Next Arbitration – June 2021
Association of Attorney Mediators: via Zoom.
– 6.25- Hour Advanced Attorney-Mediator Training and CLE Seminar-November 2022
American Bar Association-Alternative Dispute Resolution Section: Chicago, IL (In-Person)
– 8.5-Hour ABA, 15th Annual Arbitration Training Institute-June 1-3, 2022